API-CONGO CEO takes part in the 4th edition of the Francophonie economic and trade mission

   Beirut, Lebanon

At the invitation of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), Mrs Annick Patricia MONGO, Director General of the Investment Promotion Agency (API-Congo), took part in the 4th edition of the Mission Economique et Commerciale de la Francophonie held from 09 to 11 October 2023 in Beirut, Lebanon.

Organised by the OIF in collaboration with the Lebanese government, the 4th edition of the event provided a three-day opportunity for economic operators in a number of sectors, including agro-industry, sustainable energy, digital technology, sustainable tourism, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, to explore new markets and discuss and realise business and investment opportunities through a range of workshops and BtoB meetings.

Annick Patricia Mongo, Managing Director of API, who was present at the conference, took the opportunity to present to the public and private sectors of some fifty French-speaking countries, the state of the Congolese economy as a whole through macroeconomic indicators, the various investment opportunities in Congo and the tax and customs incentives available to investors in the Republic of Congo.

She also took part in a high-level panel discussion on investment in the renewable energy sector, and held B2B discussions with a number of Lebanese businessmen keen to explore business opportunities in the Congo with a view to forging partnerships with their Congolese counterparts.
It should be noted that this 4th session closes the annual cycle of economic and trade missions of the Francophonie 2023 before starting the new cycle 2024 which will take place in North America.