Located in the heart of the Congo Basin, this country is a relatively unspoilt natural garden, It is commonly referred to as the "African Amazon" because of its rich biodiversity. Its relief and climate have endowed it with a variety of ecological zones whose natural flora and fauna are an exceptional tourist attraction. constitute an exceptional tourist attraction.

The country, criss-crossed by major waterways such as the majestic Congo River, boasts a wealth of animal and botanical animal and botanical riches: forest elephants, chimpanzees, monkeys, gorillas, lions, buffaloes, hippos, antelopes, gazelles hippos, antelopes and gazelles, as well as varied and rare species of birds, fish and plants, flowers and trees.

On the artistic and cultural front, the presence of numerous painters, sculptors and musicians can make the Congo a renowned cultural destination. Congo a renowned cultural destination. Brazzaville hosts the annual Pan-African Music Festival (FESPAM). The most famous representative of Congolese literature, whose work has been translated into some twenty languages, is Alain Mabanckou. In the visual arts, the Poto-Poto painting school, named after a district of Brazzaville, has given Congolese painting its letters of nobility. Congolese painting.

Inaugurated in 2017 on the presidential estate of N'Gol'Odoua, near Édou, Denis Sassou Nguesso's home village, the Kiebe-Kiebe museum presents a collection of over 150 items, a sanctuary for the rites and arts of the Congo dedicated to the initiatory order of the ancestors who invented the kiebe-kiebe dance. In December 2018, Pointe-Noire inaugurated its Musée du Cercle Africain, the city's first museum showcasing traditional art objects as well as works by contemporary artists. Sponsored by UNESCO, the museum is the result of a partnership between the Italian company Eni and the Congolese government, which manages the museum.

Created in the heart of Brazzaville, the Musée du Bassin du Congo is a place of memory and transmission, with nearly 700 ancient items referenced in a unique database. in a unique database, it constitutes an exceptional collection that bears witness to the living traditions of one of the continent's most populous regions. traditions of one of the continent's most populous regions.

The sector's contribution to growth is still very low given its potential. Over the past five years, growth in the tourism sector has remained weak, and its contribution to GDP has never reached contribution to GDP has never reached 5% over the 2017-2020 period. This situation is due in particular to a lack of developed sites, well-developed tourist itineraries and low capacity of reception facilities in protected areas. in protected areas. However, real efforts are being made to expand the current offer while focusing on top-of-the-range services to preserve a biosphere that is unique in the world.

Investment opportunities

  • The tourism sector is virtually untapped in the Republic of Congo and offers offers real business opportunities. There are many areas in which tourism agencies and tour operators, the construction of hotels and restaurants hotels and restaurants, guided tours of parks and tourist reserves, development and development and operation of tourist sites and itineraries, organisation of cruises, excursions and hikes, transport and car hire escorts and guides for travellers, etc.
  • The Congo is ideal for ecotourism and discovery tourism, thanks to the great diversity of its fauna and forests. diversity of its fauna and forests. So many innovative opportunities for investors.
  • Congo can also capitalise on river tourism, by organising cruises on the Congo River. on the Congo River. A product that could be of interest to both international and local customers.