To move away from an all-oil policy, the government has introduced a policy of Special Economic Zones (SEZs). Special Economic Zones (SEZs). The aim is to build basic infrastructure infrastructure to enable partners to develop economic and commercial activities in various commercial activities in various non-oil sectors. The implementation of Special Economic Zones is the concrete expression of the diversification of the economy.

Investment opportunities The Congo has four (04) special economic zones:
  1. The Oyo/Ollombo special economic zone which covers an area of 760,318 hectares.The activities in this zone areProduction of food and cash crops; Livestock farming; Processing of agricultural products (edible categories) (edible categories); Processing of agricultural products (non-edible categories); Forestry; Fish farming; Commercial services; Tourism; Research; Financial services.
  2. The Pointe-Noire special economic zone covering an area of 3,150 hectares. The selected activities are: refined petroleum products; metals and engineering; chemicals; food and beverages; non-ferrous mineral products; chemical products; food and beverage industry; non-metallic mineral products wood and wood products; paper and paper products; production of plastic and glass products; etc.3. Ouesso Special Economic Zone of Ouesso covering an area of 64.52 hectares. The activities selected are: the industrial processing of wood into sawn timber and plywood furniture production and property construction; the development of coffee and cocoa crops and the the development of coffee and cocoa crops and the creation of an agro-industry through the processing of these crops; cultivation of the palm sector: research and financial services
  3. The Brazzaville Special Economic Zone covers an area of 164,100 hectares.The activities selected are: palm oil processing, into edible oil and soap; horticulture (flowers, fruit and vegetables); construction materials; and the production of food products. and soap; horticulture (flowers, fruit and vegetables); building materials (cement, aggregates, bricks/tiles) (cement, aggregates, bricks and tiles); logistics (transport, packaging, storage, etc.); renewable energies, with the production of bioethanol from cane sugar and biodiesel from palm oil; etc.