Following independence, the Congolese economy was one of the most flourishing in Africa, with a substantial agro-industrial fabric and high-performance activities, particularly in the fishing, textile, construction materials and other manufacturing industries.

Shortly before the Covid-19 pandemic and before the collapse of oil prices in 2014, the Congolese economy was performing better in the decade from 2000 to 2011, thanks in particular to the government's proactive policy of optimal macroeconomic management through appropriate reforms and the effective implementation of a strategy for growth, employment and poverty reduction. This is reflected in particular in a real GDP growth rate that averaged 5% between 2000 and 2011, compared with 1.7% between 1995 and 1999, and an average per capita income estimated at US $2,310 in 2011, compared with US $580 in 2000.

Notwithstanding the current economic situation, which is largely affected by the multiple international crises, the Government is working hard to put the Congo back on the path to sustainable, resilient and inclusive economic growth, thanks to the ambitious reforms undertaken, a realistic and achievable development plan and a positive climate with all the Congo's development partners, including the Bretton Woods institutions.

The IMF, with which the Congo has been on a programme since January 2022, has estimated the Congo's nominal GDP at 7,168 billion CFA francs in 2022, with a per capita GDP of 2,677 dollars, and GDP growth is projected at 3.5% in 2022 and 3.8% on average over the period 2023-2024 by the World Bank.

The implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP) 2022-2026, which is estimated to cost CFAF 8,987,785 million, with 345 projects planned, gives high priority to the participation of the private sector, both domestic and foreign, in achieving the objectives set.

Investors from all horizons are therefore welcome in the Congo, and API-Congo is at everyone's disposal for tailored support throughout the investment cycle. is available to provide tailor-made support throughout the investment cycle.

Annick Patricia MONGO
Chief Executive Officer of API