PRONAR 0815 projects
The Programme National d'Afforestation et de Reboisement (PRONAR), a specialised public body, is a platform for facilitating the implementation of reforestation projects throughout the country. national territory. It presents the following projects

  • This project, to be located in the Plateaux, Pool and Cuvette Ouest departments, is part of the softwood sawmilling industry. and aims to produce 100,000 m3 of resin per year. The local and potential demand is estimated at 150,000 m3 of softwood for the local market and and 300,000 m3 for the sub-regional market.

    The sector could be developed with the species known as Pinus Caribea, an exotic forest species adapted to Congolese soil and climate conditions. adapted to Congolese soil and climate conditions, and which is the subject of numerous studies.

    The project could be profitable at a planting rate of around 833 ha/year. The cost of the project is estimated at 10,758,400,000 FCFA, or 16,400,000 Euros. Financial, technical and technological partners are being sought to implement the project, technical and technological partners for the project.

    The departments recommended for planting are Plateaux, Pool and Western Basin. A feasibility study is available.

  • L’objectif visé par le projet à mettre en œuvre est de produire 150 000m3 de bois brut.

    Le bois de teck figure parmi les produits forestiers les plus prisés au niveau international. L’adaptation du teck est un atout pour la mise en place et le développement de la filière Teck grumes en République du Congo.

    La rentabilité de cette filière de production des grumes de teck nécessite un effort de plantation de l’ordre de 441 ha/an. Le bois issu des plantations de Teck sera exporté en bois ronds en raison de la spécificité du marché de ce bois bien valorisé sur le marché asiatique. C’est un projet à haute rentabilité. Le coût du projet est de 18 366 796 000 FCFA, soit 28 000 000 d’Euros.

    Il est recherché des partenaires financier, technique et technologique pour la réalisation du projet. Outre une description plus détaillée du projet, il existe une étude de faisabilité disponible.

  • The aim is to produce 20 to 25,000 m3 of sawn timber per year.

    Teak wood is one of the most sought-after forest products in the world. The adaptation of teak is an asset for the the establishment and development of the teak log industry in the Republic of Congo.

    The profitability of this teak log production sector requires a plantation effort of around of around 441 ha/year. Products from this sector will be sold on the local, sub-regional and export markets. and export markets. The cost of the project is FCFA 4,394,911,900, or €6,700,000...

    Financial, technical and technological partners are being sought for the project. In addition to a more detailed description of the project, a feasibility study is available.

  • The project aims to produce 100,000 tonnes of pellets a year in the Kouilou and Niari departments..

    This product, which is in strong demand in Europe, requires a yield of around 2.22m3 of wood per tonne of pellets. A production of 22,222m3 of raw wood would be sufficient to make this sector profitable.

    Eucalyptus clones, with a productivity of 20m3/ha/year and a planting rate of 2,222ha/year, are well suited to the profitability of this sector. suitable for the profitability of this sector. Using a maximum of above-ground biomass, 10,000 ha should be enough for should be sufficient to produce of 100,000 tonnes of pellets. Smaller production units are also feasible.

    The export market for pellets (Europe and North America) is growing fast. while the Republic of Congo has an emerging market. The cost of the project is 2,951,806,500FCFA, or 4,500,000 Euros..

    Financial, technical and technological partners are being sought for the project. In addition to a more detailed description of the project, a feasibility study is available.

  • The project envisages the production of 40,000 m3 of plywood panels per year in the Plateaux department.

    Despite the existence of a few peeling units for wood from the dense species of the Congo's forests, the country feels the need to move towards the production of plywood panels. Congo's forests, the country needs to move towards the production of plywood panels from plantation wood from plantation wood.

    Pinus caribea is the species identified to meet the development needs of the plywood production sector. plywood panels from plantation wood. The minimum productivity estimated to to make this sector profitable is 27 m3 /ha/year/ and the annual planting requirement is around is around 2,778 ha. The cost of the project is estimated at FCFA 10,823,290,500, or €16,500,000.

    Financial, technical and technological partners are sought for the project. In addition to a more detailed description of the project, a feasibility study is available.

  • The aim of the project to be developed in the Plateaux, Pool and Lékoumou departments is to produce and Lékoumou departments is to produce 250,000 m3 of panels per year.

    Studies carried out on this sector have shown that this project can be made profitable with eucalyptus clones adapted eucalyptus clones on annual plantations of around 2,778 ha.

    The products of this project are of interest to the local, sub-regional and export markets. The cost of the project is estimated at 76,595,700,000 FCFA, or 100,000,000 Euros. Partners are being sought financial, technical and technological partners for the project.

    In addition to a more detailed description of the project, a feasibility study is available.

  • The aim of the project, which is to be set up in the departments of Niari, Lékoumou and Bouenza, is to produce Bouenza, is to produce 1,000,000 tonnes of cellulose pulp per year.

    The Republic of Congo advocates economic diversification and the country has undeniable expertise in in the silviculture of species used and adapted Congolese soil and climate conditions for the development of the pulp and paper industry.

    The highest authorities in the country are encouraging the production of cellulose pulp with a view to setting up a paper production plant in Congo. Congo is being encouraged by the country's highest authorities. The realisation of such a project would have a repercussion in the Congo, but also throughout the sub-region, and indeed throughout Africa. The feasibility studies carried out by the the World Bank for the implementation of this sector have The feasibility studies carried out by the World Bank for the implementation of this industry have shown the potential for making it profitable in the departments of Niari, Lékoumou and Bouenza.

    The recommended species is SP eucalyptus, with high-performance clones that have an average productivity of 30m3/ha/year and a planting rate of a planting rate of 13,228 ha/year. The cost of the project is estimated at €1,153,846,154, with a projected profit margin of margin of 140,000,000 Euros. Financial, technical and technological partners are being sought to implement the project.

    In addition to a more detailed description of the project, a feasibility study is available.

  • The aim of the project, which is planned for the departments of Niari, Lékoumou and Bouenza, is to generate Lékoumou and Bouenza, is to produce 4 MW of electricity and 25 MW of heat.

    Reducing greenhouse gas emissions requires new paradigms for energy production in the context of a green economy. It is in this context that governments are moving towards renewable energies. The development of biomass is also part of this global challenge.

    The production of electricity from a cogeneration plant is a development project deemed profitable by the PRONAR feasibility study. deemed profitable by the PRONAR feasibility study, which defines a production capacity of 4 MW of electricity and of electricity and 25 MW of heat from 99,692 m3 of raw wood. The biomass used could come from plantations of eucalyptus clones to be planted at a rate of 738 ha/year and from wood industry waste.

    The cost of the project is estimated at FCFA 9,839,355,000, or €15,000,000. Financial, technical and technological financial, technical and technological partners for the project.

    In addition to a more detailed description of the project, a feasibility study is available.

  • The departments recommended for the implementation of such a project in the wood energy production are Pool, Plateaux, Bouenza and Niari. The aim is to is to produce 50,000 tonnes of charcoal.

    Wood energy is the product with the highest domestic demand in the Republic of Congo. More than 80% of households in Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo use wood as a source of energy. Unfortunately, this wood is taken from natural forests and sold in 25kg bags of charcoal, between CFAF 4,000 and CFAF 5,000 on the local market.

    Brazzaville is the country's main consumption centre, and there is also the export market of Kinshasa, capital of the DRC, which accounts for 4.7 million m3 of energy wood. This corresponds to more than 235,000 ha of highly productive plantations (20m3/ha/year) of wood with a density of 0.7.

    The aim is to develop an energy wood market in the Republic of Congo through the establishment of 2,035 ha/year with species achieving an annual productivity of 27 m3/ha and a carbonisation rate of 27%, and improving carbonisation techniques.

    The recommended species are eucalyptus and acacia. The cost of the project is estimated at 10,012,654,248 FCFA. The partnership requested is financial, technical and technological, and in addition to a more precise description of the project, a feasibility study is available.

  • This project to produce impregnated wood from eucalyptus clones is due to be set up in the Plateaux department. The aim is to produce 40,000 impregnated poles a year.

    Demand for impregnated wood is constantly increasing in the Republic of Congo. The adaptation of eucalyptus clones that lend themselves to this use is a significant asset in the development of the impregnated wood sector. suitable for this use is a significant asset in the development of the impregnated wood sector. The envisaged market is primarily local and sub-regional. Impregnated wood can be exported in the form of poles for a variety of uses in sub-regional markets. in sub-regional markets.

    Eucalyptus clones are therefore the species envisaged for the project, with a minimum productivity of 22m3/ha/year and a planting rate of 54 ha per year. The cost of the project is estimated at 1,197,121,525 FCFA.

    The partnership requested is financial, technical and technological. In addition to an analytical description of the project, a feasibility study is available.

  • The project is planned to be located in the Niari, Bouenza, Pool and Plateaux departments. The aim is to produce 40,000 m3 of hardwood per year.

    This project is feasible with acacia species whose minimum productivity is estimated at 17 m3/ha/year with a planting rate of 480 ha/year. It's a promising project, with the potential to cover a wide range of markets.

    Products from this sector will be destined for the local, sub-regional and export markets. The potential for the local market is around 150,000 m3 of sawn timber and the export market is estimated at 320,000 m3.

    International demand for sawn timber and commercial margins are potentially significant. Export potential is undeniable.

    The cost of the project is estimated at FCFA 4,280,119,425, or €6,525,000.

    The partnership requested is financial, technical and technological. In addition to an analytical description of the project, a feasibility study is available.