As a result of past development plans and strategies, the Government has made major efforts to the Republic of Congo now has: (i) an updated and published regulatory framework, including (i) an updated and published regulatory framework, including the town planning and construction code, etc. and Law no. 24-2008 of 22 September 2008 on urban land tenure; (ii) the master plans for the cities of Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire; (iii) a legal framework for public (iii) a legal framework for public-private property development, in particular with the adoption of law no. 13-2004 of 31 March 2004 relating to property development and the construction of works and buildings; and (iv) an investment code favourable to the development of real estate activities.

Despite the existence of a growing demand for property, the public property development company (SOPRIM), the supply of housing (both economic and social) remains well below demand, with a shortfall in property production production deficit, particularly in housing, estimated at around 15,000 units per year.