7ème édition de la conférence internationale "FINANCING INVESTMENT & TRADE in AFRICA - FITA2024"

   At the Laïco Hotel, Tunis

The Investment Promotion Agency (API) informs all Congolese business leaders and institutions of the organisation by Tunisia Africa Business Council-TABC of the 7th edition of the international conference "FINANCING INVESTMENT & TRADE in AFRICA - FITA2024", on 11 and 12 June 2024 at the Laïco Hotel, Tunis, under the high patronage of His Excellency, Mr Kaïs Saïd, President of the Republic of Tunisia.

FITA2024 will discuss issues crucial to the continent's future, in the presence of several government delegations, pan-African institutions, international donors and private sector leaders. At the forefront is the imperative of reinventing cooperation between African countries and pursuing integration, with the main theme being "Strengthening local transformation and technology transfer for sustainable and inclusive growth in Africa".

The 7th edition will feature a number of side events covering topics of key importance to the continent's development, such as food security, the energy challenge, Asia-Africa and Europe-Africa cooperation, Industry 4.0, financing, the climate challenge and logistics corridors in Africa.

To register for the FITA2024 international conference, please click on the following link: https://www.acp.com.tn/events/FITA2024